Originally Posted By Mastershake340
Just noticed something else while looking at my NOS tip. There are actually 2 positioning spuds (as an engineer I need to use the correct term, thanks Barry for clarifying that!). And the positioning spuds are on a horizontal plane on the pipe (9 o clock and 3 o'clock positions when the pipe is installed)

Sorry I dropped off for a bit, its Easter and I got called to Cheese Cake duty, pretty mean Amaretto recipe.

So I just went and pulled the tips again and to my surprise there are two spuds on each. Since its hard to capture both I have my fingers placed over them to show orientation. I'd call the clocking about 11 and 5 on these

While I had them out I saw no sign of any "Drain Hole", I'd sure like to see your clocking and drain hole pics.

And thanks for all the help guys
