Under NHRA rules at the time, to be legal for Super Stock is that the carburetors had to remain in the stock configuration. Therefore, as the street hemi carbs were in line AFBs, that's what they had to be. So, the Rat Roaster was first in inline AFB deal on a big plenum.

Later on the came up with the lids for the single four barrel, for AHRA Formula racing, and the cross ram lid as a substitute for the Chrysler Cross Ram. It was no where near as good, but some guys got along with them.

It wasn't like it is today. No sheet metal, no home made intakes. The cross rams they use on the AH cars today would never pass muster. Neither would the sheetmetal in lines with the big runners that they used on the Street Hemi SS cars.

"Old age and treachery trumps youth and enthusiasm, every time!"

East Central Director / Chrysler Power Magazine
