Yes, there were variations in color back in the day just as there are variances now. I still recall how some B5s were bluer than others, for example. Ten years ago PR4 red, PS2 silver, and others were all over the place, and we'd tint accordingly from our bank of toners, record & spray out the variation, and keep that data in a notebook for future reference.
Like gasoline, the chemistry has changed in 40-50 years.
Ink-printed color samples differ from actual paint.
Colors vary in different lighting, and almost always at different viewing angles, takes some effort to balance that out.
It's hard to find a painter who truly wants and understands how to nail a color, and some systems are harder to work with than others.
Every once in a while you can start with a more recent color and tint from there.
Plan on taking some time & committing some expense with a talented painter if you want it right.