Yippie, on the road again, as Willie Nelson would sing! Filled with some antifreeze and distilled water up

Thanks to the few that let me off the hood for my lack of radiator knowledge and instead of knocking me from behind the safety of their computer, chimed in with useful advice.

Burdar: I don't know why (maybe because new rad had barbed fittings supplied) I never thought of swapping fittings from old radiator! I've always gotten my radiators re-cored or new ones that were direct fit. Bingo! Swapped fittings and on the road! Your simple advice caused me to take a second look and bingo. Thank you!!! And your suggestion of adding a cooler is going to happen down the road anyhow when I get my factory one re-cored and put that back in.

Stumpy: needed to put slight bend in one factory steel line and used my vintage bender. Very cool tool. Must be from 50's??

71birdJ68: I'm going to consider sending it off to Glen Ray instead of my local shop. The month turn around doesn't bother me now that I'm back on the road, and the more I read, the more I like the reputation. Thanks.


Facts are stubborn things.