Originally Posted By slantzilla
Hate to say it, but you bought the cheapest freaking radiator you could find and whine because you're not resourceful enough to get it in? As said before, you have 10-15 minutes work and a trip to Autozone and you're done. Turn in your Man Card and take up knitting.

Trying to find one I could get quickly, because my truck is filled with furniture for my moving, and it was the only one I could find to fit my truck that I could get in a few days. I'd spend $500 a NOS one if it were available. In fact, I'm having the original re-cored and it's going to cost in the neighborhood of $500. I checked ebay, arizonaparts, national moparts, and several other sources for a NOS one before I bought this one.

I am using the helpful advice of others and tomorrow when I have a little time, going to try to swap fittings from old one, and if that doesn't work, try some of the other helpful suggestions. I just haven't had time yet. I'm taking the original to rad shop Monday even though it'll take a few weeks to have it back, I want that one in the truck in the near future.

I've been biting my tongue. Can someone please just close this thread? It's obviously not going anywhere.

Facts are stubborn things.