Originally Posted By racerx
Originally Posted By Mattax
Its a very tough epoxy paint. We tried using in the blind locations (inside quarters). Didn't hold up in that (mis)use. No paint will because the surface can't be prepped properly. If there is rust, use their rusty metal primer. Rustoleum rusty metal primer should be compatible, but that will be your risk if you want to try it instead.

Thaxs for the heads-up up cause that's one of the spots I was wanting to use this stuff (inner cab quarters)I'll checkout there primers. wave

Cab corners should be OK as I would think you can see everything.
If it's a blind or a location it can't be applied properly, pouring it in doesn't work. As other people have mentioned, the rust continues to grow. For blind hidden corners, something like Waxoil is better approach.

Two paints that are pretty effective over rust are Corroless (you'll have to get it from UK) and Hammerite. Corroless is a primer but its highly resistant to moisture permeating through it. It was imported by Eastwood until they started selling their own label 'encapsulator' - they initially claimed it was the same. It's not. Not even related. Hammerite is available here and the formula appears to be the same as UK.