No worries here guys. I am not upset at all. Just one of those days and I felt like sharing my story with some folks who might like to hear about it.

The tranny deal is not biggie. It does not owe me anything at this point. We were talking about it on the way home. It has had it's fair share of abuse. Not a total failure either. I have high gear so I think the low band just let go. Besides there is a brand new on in the trailer, just have to stab it is place. Bet we are not going back to the track without adding more weight to it. Funny today when I was getting pushed back by the track guys, they commented on how heavy the car is and it needs to go on a diet. Told one of them later well we are actually going to ad some weight to it before our next outing.

Hey all the broken stuff is giving me something to do while the wife is in Iraq anyway

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"