The issue that you are dealing with is that no vendor can predict what every customer feels is right with so many different combinations of parts out there. What my be right for one guy may not be what another wants.

You will get exactly what you want if you take some time and measure exact routing that looks perfect to you. Take some rope or whatever... and some tie wraps. Lay them out like they are the wires with the routing that you want, then measure each one. Give him those lengths with the ends you want, and you will have perfect wires.
If you aren't willing to do that, then it will be hit or miss on finding what you need. No vendor wants to ship parts back and fourth and then get bashed. He would rather be sure you are getting what you need.

You will be much happier with the end results if you put some effort into it.

"use it 'till it breaks, replace as needed"