Originally Posted By DAYCLONA
Originally Posted By jim6346
Yeah, I prefer Right Stuff, but still not sure which ones?


If it's in regards to the 1 or 2 pc rear, I've always run the 1 pc rear on my E bodies, I suspect the 2 pc rear is for shipping purposes?, the 1 piece rear comes folded in half for shipping (easily straightened)

If you got nothing on your car, you'll need to determine what kit will fit your current drum/rotor and master/booster set up, and frame over or under front lines, generally I find 71's are frame over, and 70's are frame under, but there's so many variables plant to plant, year to year

One or two piece rear line is determined by the valving being used, not for shipping purposes.

Like I said you start mixing different years/drum verses disc and the line guys are not gonna make your lines correct the first time and they(brakes) might not work as good as they could be if you rig it together with adapter fittings.

Last edited by Challenger 1; 09/09/17 10:30 AM.