Originally Posted By fourgearsavoy
Well I've had the same 60 amp alternator and battery in my car for over 5 years so obviously some of the above information is incorrect. I suspect the Mopar based externally regulated Denso alternator is what some of this information is based on.

Nope. it's based on 34 years of electronics experience.

If your alternator cannot supply the current needed the missing current will be drawn from the battery, fact. That's is how it works in ALL cars, internally regulated or not. Denso, Chrysler, Delco, Motorcraft, doesn't matter.

If your setup had no issues then it is simply because your demand never exceeded the charging system's ability to supply it, fact.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.