Originally Posted By terzmo
Originally Posted By Tom_Quad
I am not going to continue to provide any more mopar technical support here on moparts. As I provide technical support in my employment on very very complicated technology this is not my first technical information rodeo. I might have a clue on how to analyze information and create proper technical documentation/information. The six pak tuning guide is a perfect example of well researched information that does not get used before coming on here complaining that the damn thing doesn't work correctly and getting bad advice from the uninformed.

Some of you are very uninformed and are incapable of comprehending anything that makes good sense. You pollute threads with hearsay, old wives tales/opinions and refuse to use good technical advice. Diplomacy prevents me from speaking directly to a few of you and telling you in plain english that children should be seen and not heard.

Good luck with your 160 or 180 degree thermostats in your "old iron" and your fast wearing - poor running engines. BTW in 1970 the thermostats were 190 degrees from the factory...

I've run mopars with 160 and no stat for over 50 years...pump yourself up with "ideas" and feel great while MY test of time has succeeded over and over.

I think this still applies !

They may not kill there motor,but it will eventually shorten it's life span.Also,a real race engine is rarely street driven and the percentages of each are quite different,the OP ask about a street driven car,not a race car.If your 160* makes you happy,good luck with that.