Previous owner installed a lift-off A12 hood on the '68 Coronet I now own. Looks great but.....
-I have a one car garage and the only way to get it off in the garage is for two people on each side of the car to lift it off and put it on the roof of car.
-Outside the garage, I can take it off by myself but putting it back on my own has resulted in two cowl/fender dings. Previous owner put his arms inside the snorkel to take it on and off resulting in some minor stress cracks.
-displaying the engine with the hood up on posts, requires two or more people to lift and set the hood, no wind and the same number of helpers to take it down.

Where to put the hood at a car show if not up on posts, on the side of the road, etc. has already been covered in other posts. It's a big hood on your car so hear me now and believe me later.