Originally Posted By poorboy
And if you do it the same way Mopowers did his, you will also have overheating issues.

The shroud mounting method needs to be corrected. The Mopar Rad mounts the shroud slightly towards the front of the car, and the shroud has the cut out to clear the rad core. Any factory fan setup will place the fan at the same location. The only thing you could do is maybe cut a solid mount fan spacer in 1/2, if you have the required distance to use one.

Modifying the fan shroud so it sets at the correct location in relation to the fan is an easier, and a correct fix. Gene

You really think moving the fan 1/2" back relative to the shroud would make that much difference? I didn't realize it was that critical.

Just went out and looked. Looks like mine is about 2/3 in the shroud and 1/3 out- again not the ideal 50/50. I can probably get another 1/4" with spacers between the fan and clutch, but I highly doubt it would change much. I don't have a crazy overheating problem. The temp just climbs a little at traffic lights. May be the pump, or the fact that it's just a 17" fan, or combo of everything. Unfortunately, these Champion radiators have a poor design when it comes to mounting a stock radiator.

I can say that it cools quite a bit better than the 22" stock radiator I had before that was re-cored with a 4-row core. Of course, I didn't have any shroud on that one. Oh well, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make this setup work one way or the other. Thanks for the ideas.

Last edited by mopowers; 01/27/17 01:29 AM.