While sanding off my previous paint mess, I re-discovered that my Dart's front fenders have six badge holes (each). After looking at pics, the original badges appear to be a "Dart" and a big gaudy "Swinger" in script. I may keep the two DARTs but definitely not the "Swinger". So I have a bunch of 1/8" holes to fill.

There seem to be several approaches:

1) Countersink the holes and use body filler or epoxy putty;
2) MIG the holes and grind smooth, probably followed by a skim coat of filler;
3) Punch tiny plugs from sheet metal and TIG them in place. I found an article in "Super Chevy" showing it done without even needing filler.

I don't have a TIG, and I am not confident in my ability to MIG holes in sheetmetal neatly. I did it on a '65 Ford truck hood a long time ago and it came out OK, but that was heavier-gauge metal and the rest of the truck looked crappy so it wasn't as critical.

What do you all recommend? shruggy