Originally Posted By pittsburghracer
Originally Posted By MattW

Bingo. We have a whole new generation of thin skinned people in this World today. They would have NEVER survived working in the steel mill. LOL.

You remind me of a guy at work. He would always quote " Back in the mine, that would never happen" LOL

Hey it was brutal at times. Image if you can 18 naked greasy azz Millwrights, Carpenters, and Bricklayers in a gang shower with 10-12 other naked guys waiting to get in. Now add we may have just worked 14 plus days of 12-16 hour shifts. Man we had some fun at times but if you were thin skinned man you were whopped till you got over it. Words on an Internet forum are child's play. Lol [/quote]

OH i know.
You need thick skin where I work or you'll get eaten alive. WDHP does not apply!