[quote=dizuster]For what it's worth, mine neck's down to less then 4" as it passes the torsion bar. So far with that tied to another 8 feet of exhaust and muffler it's supported 850+hp on single exhaust.

So as long as you're not trying to make more then 1700hp (850hp x 2) you've got plenty of room in the backpressure department to downsize.

I suggest getting the hole in the fender where it belongs, and finding a way to connect the dots, even if that means reduced diameter or pie cutting something to get the bend tighter.

Don't give up.

No worries about giving up Im closer now then ever before and im getting excited my car is final starting to look like a turbo car once again. up I'm just nervous about popping a couple big azz holes in the sides of my fenders sawzall

Last edited by turbo toad; 10/03/16 08:46 PM.

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