Uhmmmm what fairy dust have you been smoking? Turbo props run a blend of Kerosene called Jet fuel, Avgas 100LL is 100 octane, it has a lot of lead in it, enough to get lead fouled plugs....

Originally Posted By rebel
I run a special brew Helicopter AV gas. Its designed for Turbo Prop engines, has no Glycol as helicopters dont get high enough & you only get it from a tanker, heaps of lead & has a 108 rating. engine definately runs smoother on this brew than Ground Tank AV gas.

1941 Taylorcraft
1968 Charger
1994 Wrangler
1998 Wrangler
2008 Kia Rio
2017 Jetta

I didn't do 4 years and 9 months of Graduate School to be called Mister!