
Nobody said you have to like John Irving, I've
known him for at least 35 yrs since his days as
a bail bondsman in whittier catering to the street racers.

And I know to leave my wallet at home if I do
any business with him, but nobody likes to see
a race car/truck get hurt like that.

Didn't say I liked to see anything get hurt....I'm sure he is fine.
If you've ever dealt with him, then you know exactly from where I speak. This guys will tell you he's better than you and walk away without a care in the world.
He also likes to stretch the truth...ALOT!
I don't care for people like that, and I'm allowed to say it
As for the truck, well it's not like he can't afford to fix it. And the tree for that matter.
I will say, even though I don't care for John, he is a great dad from what I've seen, and takes care of his boys. Gives them whatever they want.
My dealings with him have been very bad, and I hate to see anyone else get swindled from him. He's a sneeky one that's for sure.