Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By JERICOGTX
Monte went through more nitrous this year then any.

Monte, it was good seeing you and talking to you at Martin. Thanks for bringing the shirts. Hope you sold plenty.

I actually sold a lot of shirts, which always surprises me. My shirts aren't "cool" nor have awesome graphics so it always surprises me when I sell any. Not sure why anybody wants one........LOL!!!

But it was you who made me decide to bring them. I went to get you a couple and decided, "hell, I will just put them all in the trailer"............LOL!!! Sold all my hats as well
it wasn't what was on the shirt but rather who the shirt represented that did it for my wife and i. we bought 2 from you there. you're a good man Monte and a great representative of Holley and racing in general. thanks for all of your help in the past.