Long time no update.

Been busy and haven't gotten to the truck as much as I would like.

BUT I got it running with a 318 for now. 360 build is going slow. I may assemble it soon but I'm waiting for heads.

Been working on the 72 every day for the past few days. Got it running and moving. Still needs some loose ends handled:
Strut rod bolts/sway bar bolts on control arm tightened
Attach sway bar end links
Wiring ran to tail lights
Cab bolts tightened all the way. Left loose to lift cab for panel alignment
Lube front end
Run exhaust. Right now it's just open Y pipe
Attach front bumper

And anything else that I come across. But I drove her out of the spot she's been sitting in. Can't do any work on it tomorrow, but Friday till Monday is open season laugh I can't wait hehe
