Here is the thing........NOBODY on this board or anywhere else can TELL you HOW to do this and cover every little detail, by either text or text and pictures. So how do you learn is the obvious question. Most of us figured it out and you do that by LOOKING at other cars and forming an understanding of how things work and why they are like they are. Don't trust that........ask questions while you are looking at someone's car. Or go to a chassis shop and see it they will show you some things. Find someone who does know how to do this to HELP you or at least show you some pointers, or maybe come by a couple times and check up on you.

What you are attempting to do?.........well on the one hand is NOT hard at all, but on the other hand can be a train wreck if not done right. You say there aren't many big tire mopars for you to look at in your what. It works the same under ANY car.

All these instructions these guys are giving above..........while dead on the money for the most part, likely mean nothing to you, as you likely have no idea what they are talking about, nor how to do it. Asking questions is great, but you need to find some help to get you started.

Jeff's pictures above are good and show what you are getting yourself into. Pre-welded kits are an option and can usually be made to work just fine, although some mods are usually required...........That's why they are called "universal" kits. Nobody that I know of makes a specific B body Mopar welded clip ready to go. So you modify or build. Either works. Personally, I like 4 links and round tubing. I think it's a waste to go to this extreme on a car and use heavy rectangular tubing, but that only my opinion, not the gospel.

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 09/02/16 04:07 PM.