Maybe I'm not clear about the shoes.

The original shoes were worn so I bought new ones. When they were dilivered I compared them very very closely with the new ones: put them on top of eachother, holes and everything perfectly lined up, width of the linings, lenght etc, they were exáctly the same size..11x2.5 inch.

So, put the new shoes on and then the problem of dragging started. Adjusted them many times but every time after a couple of miles the drums got hot, very hot. First only RR but later also LR.

Thén I started to replace everything as I discribed in my first post.
That didn't solve the problem so then I decided to take them to a machineshop.

The linings were glazed at some points and that was the reason to put new linings on and turn the drums.
They showed my the new liningmaterial and that were pieces of approx 20 x 4 inches. Thats why they had them made to fit to the shoes and had to file off the sides after riviting them on. So, markings on the side of the shoes explained.

As said earlier, drums can be installed spinning free, also with the lugs tight so absolutely no drag or rubbing at all but....
after several turns, with or without powered by the engine, dragging starts....

I've compared my pics, old and new, and see that the new linings are longer than the old ones, special the primary. Secundairy also, were the scuff marks are..Could that be the reason ??

It's 95 F overhere now, so the brakes have to wait now..

Last edited by Luigi; 08/25/16 08:07 AM.