always a good idea to degree a cam. with the dots at 6/12 o'clock as said #6 is firing. it's much harder to visually line up the dots at 12/12 cuz the crank snout is in the way (but why the cam lobes ain't mfr ed so #1 is firing at that point is beyond me, it ain't mentioned in any manual I have ever read & we lost a race way back cuz of this & EVERYTHING starts with #1). With #6 firing, clock the intergear so the dist tang can be clocked so the rotor facing rearward & slightly toward the drivers side which lets you maintain the OE plug wiring diagram which lets them lay the neatest with the shortest lengths possible & helps prevent future mistakes. First put the dampener at 15 BTDC #6 compression, then turn the housing till the magnet is dead even with the tooth with the #6 cap terminal/plug wire above the rotor. EDIT regarding rotor tip to cap terminal alignment, the can will shift the rotor position in relation to the cap terminal above it (Rotor Phasing) CCW (on a SB) from the at rest (no vac on ported at idle) position

Last edited by RapidRobert; 08/22/16 10:47 PM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth