Originally Posted By Stanton
Y'know, any time I've tacked a blasted part I've ended up with so much lint the part looks like a tennis ball!

Since you have to wipe the wax and grease remover on and off with a rag, I hit the part really well with the blow gun then rub the piece down with a scotchbrite pad then blow again. No tack rag !!

Oh, you want to be wearing latex or similar gloves so you don't contaminate the part.

Paint the parts right away - primer at least.


I don't touch the part after blasting and sure as heck don't wipe it down with NOTHING after blasting. Just blow off and paint right after blasting.

The part must be cleaned and de greased and de waxed BEFORE blasting. If you don't then you just blasted dirt and grease into the metal pores and wax and grease remover is going to do nothing but make it worst if you try to use it after blasting. Plus all your blasting beads are contaminated too if you blast dirty parts. Only clean stuff gets blasted.

Pressure washers are so useful for restoration of anything. Heated pressure washers are even better.

The folks who recommend wiping it down after blasting DON'T blast stuff to know any better. realcrazy