
God bless yah for going after the pipe racks but,you will find that style of racing, expensive, slow paced, "clicky" and severely outgunned .

Divisionals will be a 2 days at the track for about 3 time trials and getting thru 1st round will be almost impossible (I'd say no chance but, you have a chance)

National events will be 3 plus days at the track with maybe 2 hits on time trials and again, elims

If bad weather hits, well ...its , much worse

If memory serves, think only one door car has ever won a super comp event at that level and it was against another door car

In the last like 15 years

It would be wild if you stomped Stinnet first round, oh boy would I giggle

Wow i will take that as a slap in the face thanks

Shawn Jennings