Originally Posted By DARTH V8R
Originally Posted By MR_P_BODY
I still havent seen "no trucks" in the so called
rules.. just what Frieburger said... and he has
been known to change things in mid stream... come
on guy... this thing says DODGE on it... let me have
a chance... at least at the Pontiac event.... PLEASE...
might be worth a case of GOOD beer... LOL

Pretty clear:

A Cash Purse totaling $19,000 will be awarded to the quickest Dodge cars, Dodge body and Dodge-powered cars only. No trucks are allowed.
1st place – $10,000
2nd place – $5,000
3rd place – $2,500
4th place – $1,500

A Cash Purse totaling $750 will be awarded for Non-Dodge cars.
1st place – $500
2nd place – $250

SHOW me in the rules where it says no trucks... and
this is a Dodge