Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
He has a small motor, not a lot of gear, a super stiff car and a 36" fuel tire...........yep, that's EXACTLY what it needs, MORE rubber on the ground..............LOL!!! Keyboard chassis guys. And the sad part is, guys who have been doing this forever don't know any better either. People thinks slicks and big power is easy.......FAR from it.

Not sure if you caught yesterday's new episode, but Shawn had been battling tire shake on the Nova. He mentioned during one of his interviews after testing that his shake finally went away when he started hitting it with more power on the launch. A previous episode it was so bad it ripped the wheel tub right out of the car!

Had you dropped him enough hints that he finally listened?

'18 Ford Raptor, random motorcycles, 1968 Plymouth Fury III - 11.37 @ 118