Snap gages are not precise enough for this. Put them back in the box. Correctly measure the journal with a mic and lock it down. Use the mic to set up the dial bore gage. Use the anvil that will spin the indicator half a turn or a turn. Clamp the mic down or in a vice. Rock the dial bore gage in the mic to find the square spot and zero the indicator. Drop the dial bore gage into the bearing bore and rock it to find the square spot (smallest dimension making certain you're on the exact centerline of the bore). The distance from zero is the clearance. All measuring tools should have a .0001 resolution and cost more than $19.99. Don't trust your tools or yourself until you can go through the procedure 3 or 4 times and come up with the same number to the .0001th. No calculator or math needed.

Last edited by CMcAllister; 05/03/16 02:34 PM.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.