


Thanks . maybe doing one soon!

there is a special tool made to compress the spring and access the retaining ring and you need an alignment tool to keep the internal splines in alignment while doing it , I got them from miller spx , not that expensive .

it is alot easier to emplace the OD unit with the intermediate shaft in place onto the press and slowly/gently remove the (fully seated) intermediate shaft out of the unit and then press the OD unit and emplace the retainer rings to lock it into place.

the reason being is that the Miller alignment tool does not have the circular piece cast into the end of it that fits into the lower bushing on the OD unit. If the alignment is off, just a smidgeon, you may think you have the entire thing lined up.. assemble your tailshaft housing, mate it up to the primary housing and attempt to assemble your trans, just to find out the intermediate shaft will not seat the entire way down. Hence, the rear drum rear planetary set will not seat fully and every other piece will be out of whack from there on.

I am sure other trans guys have other remedies to this situation, but every OD unit I have done, I have done it this way and absolutely have had no fitment issues whatsoever. IOW, I have made the miller alignment tool into a paperweight.

thanks , I didn't notice that aboutthe shaft , sounds like something that could be easily remedied on the tool though .

I got lucky i guess when I did mine .