


everyday driving I use my right foot. but for racing you need to use both feet, especially while driving the top end

Ahhh the bracket racers method, I do see the reason to the madness.

In my case the reason I ask is in my last outing with "El Picoso" I was going for a new best and kept my foot in it what I though was 5 or 6 feet past the stripe. So I got on the brakes and wrecked the car!! Well it turns out it was more like 100 ft passed the stipe and I have heard it mentioned that I may have hit the brakes too hard and that is what caused the back end to come around. Now I am not sure this is what happened but pulling my foot off the pedle and moving to the brake takes a split second, so I was wondering if I had my left foot on the brake pedel already, it that would have made a diffrence?


More than likely your prop valve was just set wrong,
it had to much front brakeing... I mostly use my
rear brakes for stopping instead of the little skinny
fronts. But if you think about the way you stop on
the top end .... you just let off the gas... the front
end noses over and at that second you hit the brakes
PRETTY HARD... thats alot of transfer to the fronts
and taking the weight off of the rears... its getting
light back there and maybe throw in a side wind,
it really doesnt take alot to get it loose if you
use alot of front brakes

Mr. P I think you are on to something we pulled all the proportion from the rear brakes and only the fronts were stopping. I WILL NEVER MAKE A BRAKE ADJUSTMENT AND NOT MAKE A TEST 1/2 PASS TO CHECK THEM OUT AGAIN, AS LONG AS I LIVE!~!!
