Yeah, I can't say a soft locker would be the best in an off road situation. I think they are mostly suited for casual street driving, but are plenty strong in drag race conditions. I just don't care for spools on the street, and I see a lot of times at the track where I feel a spool drives the car into the wall, where a locker will release and allow some steering. I'm sure some will dis-agree with that statement - fine, then run a spool. And off-road, a spool is as strong as you are going to get.

And a little tidbit to get you thinking. A lot of the people here probably don't realize that many of the original SUCCESSFUL gassers actually ran open rear diffs, because the cars were such a handfull to drive with spools, and there were not a lot of posi options.

Free advice and worth every penny...
Factory trained Slinky rewinder.........