Look at the original question though. 440-1s are not in the question, neither is stock block, nor budget. Just says from scratch 499. The question was should he change from his SRs to Trick Flows or Victors. The answer to THAT question is a resounding no. Seems to be nothing there except added cost.

Budget is always a concern, but he didn't mention that either.

We all know air flow is the key to power and many progress to a point based on what they have. I have done the same. I had stock heads, so went to Indy's as I didn't have to change pistons. But then I built a B-1 which was a new build.

So lets look at NEW build scenario. No parts in hand and no "deals". Block is a block, crank is a crank, rods, pistons, machine work, etc. So we get to the heads. Valve is a valve, spring is a spring and so on. How much do B-1 castings cost vs INDY. Are they higher, I truly don't know. What about intake cost? Rocker gear. A nice set of T&Ds cost the same for either head.

I guess my whole thing here is.......if you are building something NEW and are not basing it on anything you HAVE, why would anybody build anything OTHER than a B-1 motor or maybe even a Predator(although manifolds are an issue here)............Now there are different segments to this and some will be quick to point out "this head takes stock valve gear, etc". I understand all that, but am basing my comparison on you have NOTHING, plus are building a real race car motor, with all aftermarket parts and selection is not based on using cheaper and or stock parts.

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 03/05/16 03:50 PM.