I had Unlimited Products fenders and trunk lid plus a Harwood hood on my Dart. Quality was so so on all. Unlimited had used cardboard tubes for reinforcing the trunk which still had a big dip in it. Harwood had cut the one edge of the hood wrong. While my Dart was in the body shop, it was in a wreck. (LOOONNNNGGG story.) Had to replace all the glass parts. Trunk lid was spidered all over, Driver's fender had a huge chunk out of it, the hood was spider webbed. The pass. fender was ok, but I figured if I got one new one, I may as well get a pair.

I bought all Glasstek stuff. What a difference. My bodyman couldn't believe the quality of the Glasstek stuff. He had to do very little work to get it ready for paint vs. the amount of time he had wrapped up in the other stuff.