I don't know [ Moparts Family Site - Keep it Friendly ] Holley is thinking but I'd be worried the 750's are TOO SMALL. I have a great amout of respect for Mark so I'd have a hard time questioning him either. But at that displacement and RPM the 750's are borderline too small for me.

FWIW I'm making the GIANT ASSumption that when you ordered the cam you specifically bought a cam spec'd for a TR. There are 2 GIANT issues that kill TR's and it ain't over carburation. It's way too much timing. TR's can use 8-10 degress LESS at .050 and run the same RPM. DO NOT OVERCAM A TR.

The second issue is getting the air bleeds and emulsion sorted out. You are doubling the jet area, doubling the bleed area and doubling the emulsion but you did not double the air flow.

If you do those 2 things you will wonder why you did run TR's forever. They make more bottom end, have a flatter TQ curve and make more average HP every single time it is done correctly.

In 1984 I bought my first TR. I personally spent hours on the phone with Ollie Morris (IIRC that was his last name...I'm horrible with names) and he had his own formula to figure out TR carb capacity. He also taught me how to think of airflow in term I can understand. Ollie was an awesome man. His answer was always very simple. If you had a properly sized single 4, and all the dyno numbers looked like they should, then you DOUBLE the CFM rating for a TR. I don't remember the last time I talked to him, but he stood by that every time I questioned him. That always meant that you had enough converter (I run clutches so I never had to worry about a tight converter) the CORRECT gearing and the chassis was sorted out. If you consider that, then you could really find HP in 2 1050's.

Now all the math heads can come in with their formulas and calculations and theories, but they would still be wrong. How do I know? Because in 2015 all the Pro Stock guys would have been stupid. By any math I have ever seen, they are grossly over carburated.

All I can say is I am doing a new engine for my DD/street car and it's the first time I'm not using a TR. I don't want to cut the car up or change it any more than it already is. Otherwise, I would have a fully ported and flowed TR on it, and I'd be running 2 850's. On the street. And Thumprdart would do the carbs.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston