It is mind boggling to me that Mopar has their heads so buried in the sand? At the end of the day, it comes down to supply and demand, and they obviously don't see it, as a money making venture. I have had every type of Mopar block, from iron to aluminum, and it is incredible to me that, as of today, Mopar makes ZERO blocks, both big and small blocks, all (or most) of the vendors are hard to get stuff from, including World, KB, and last but not least, the holier than thou geniuses at Indy, who think they have a clue, when they are some of the biggest horse's a$$es on the planet. Oh, forgot the nightmare that is the Ritter block. So glad that my stuff is gone, and, due to the block and 20+ year old cylinder head technology, except for the Gen 3 Hemi and Predator stuff, I will probably never do another Mopar, if things stay the same.