Sports Business Journal Reporting Mike Dunn As New IHRA President – We Nailed It – More News Here
Feb 08, 2016Brian Lohnes1320 Drag News, BangShift 13207

Sports Business Journal Reporting Mike Dunn As New IHRA President – We Nailed It – More News Here
(Photo credit: ESPN) – The Sports Business Journal and other publications are reporting that Mike Dunn is in fact going to be the new president of the International Hot Rod Association. We reported on this last week when the rumors grew so loud that they could not be ignored. We are still pretty surprised that it is true but with other outlets reporting the whole deal as fact at this point and we’re following suit.
A second major piece of information that we have a line on is the fact that the famed World Series of Drag Racing that has been an absolute staple at Cordova for half a century will be moving to the surprising location of Memphis. We do not know how or why the move is being made but we know that it will be announced in the coming weeks. We have a feeling that this will not sit well with the people who have supported the race for half a century in Cordova and we’re not quite sure what the people of Memphis will think about it. The event was insanely popular at its (apparently) former home but will anyone in Memphis know or care what it is? Time will tell and we’re interested to see what the plan for the event is.
Back to Mike Dunn as IHRA president. There was scheduled to be a teleconference announcing this news tomorrow but IHRA has decided to drop the knowledge a day early, likely because the cat may have escaped the bag ahead of what they wanted. We’re hoping that call is still on because we’re interested to see what Dunn has to say about his new role and what he wants to do with the series.
As we mentioned in the previous story, there’s not a lot of drag racing management or operational management experience in Dunn’s past. He was a successful racer and certainly a successful television figure for the NHRA over the 14 years he spent on the air but we’re interested to see his experience translate into operating the IHRA and what his day to day role will be.
Of all the stuff Mike Dunn had thought about doing after television, we’re not sure that sanctioning body president was on the list but here he is. Hey, everyone’s got to pay the bills, right?

1970 Duster
Edelbrock headed 408
422 Indy headed small block
5.982@112.56 mph

Livin and lovin life one day at a time