Let's get real, OK?

If you're going to put a $200 ignition box on the shelf because you are afraid of a ballast resistor failure you had better just park the doggone car and take the bus. The ballast resistor is one of the simplest solid state electrical devices known to mankind.

It is easier to change a ballast resistor than to change an HEI conversion unless it's mounted on a heatsink on the firewall.

Nothing wrong with the HEI conversion but it is only an option and there are plenty others. You can run 10s with quite a few different ignitions, including points. It is all about tuning the system.

The E-coil is more efficient than a canister coil, that's a fact. It is also sitting in junkyards by the thousands. Any coil that has the square laminations on the outside of the coil is an E-coil. Ford used them with their TFI ignition, like Tauruses. Or you can buy one on ebay for $12.00. I have posted that link before.

Ignition systems are mysterious to many in the car game, and that has allowed hugely inflated claims of power gain or voltage or any other factors. Most of these are hogwash, including what some pretty well-known manufacturers put in their ads.
