I had some trouble with the search also, but it works okay for me now. I think you have to know a couple of search commands. If you just put in each word and hit search, it will return every post that has ANY of those words. If you want to look for a specific set of words or terms then you need to use quotes around the terms. For example, instead of looking for Holley fuel pump you would search for "Holley fuel pump". The latter should bring back only posts with that specific phrase. If you are looking for a few different words to be more specific you put pluses between the words. For example, if you want to find trunk mount battery you would search trunk+mount+battery. This will look for all three of those words and return posts that contain all three of those words. Sometimes you can be too specific and will need to try fewer words to get more post returns. It works for me! Hope it helps.
