As Doctor Diff mentioned, the edge of the drop center is "soft" on the original posters repro wheels. Stands out to me even not looking side ny side with an original. This is because the outer wheel is likely a "new" product. I have made a few "repro" wheel myself using Olds painted SuperStock wheels. I even used a rare AMC "GoPack" wheel as a core 15x7 shell. The olds wheels can be had cheap at $25 each. It's not EZ to find Correct core 14 inch wheels you can carve the center out though. The problem with making them is the WIDTH of the drop center. The wheel center needs to be welded at the very back edge of the drop center to get the correct offset. Now a factory 450 wheel has a drop center that is very wide, say 3 inches. I think the drop an an Olds wheel is say 2.75. So the narrower the drop, the "shallower" your wheel is going to look at the face.