While it was somewhat refreshing to see real everyday low-buck cars, reality is that I can see that by walking out to my garage. Personally, I found those guys to come across like a band of idiots. Perhaps they're not, but that's the way the show came across to me. Count me in the camp of guys that basically watched in horror with the thought that all of America is seeing this and honing their opinion on car guys.

If the producers didn't know jack about cars, then the guys in the show should have taken a little more ownership of their own brand, and demanded the show present a little more intelligent approach to things.

And for gods sake.... taking a mig welder to a tube covered in exhaust wrap.... [ Moparts Family Site - Keep it Friendly ]!? Am I the only guy that was thinking "if its cracked in one spot, you better remove that wrap and check the rest of it".

The whole thing was low rent in my book.

LemonWedge - Street heavy / Strip ready - 11.07 @ 120