

So, no talk about "suppressing" and so on.

there's a reason the electronics manufacturers warn against using solid core wires and it's not to sell you supression wires. anyone that's been in the automotive field long enough has seen problems due to either bad wires and/or solid core wires when using electronics. for a magneto or old breaker type ignition they're fine but for anything else with electronics you need a quality supression wire. imho there's darn little if any difference between any of the quality wires out there and installation is more important than the wire at that point. how many factories can possibly be making the bulk wire anyhow? there's a lot of "branding" and marketing going on.

You are correct. You'd be suprised on how little manufacturers there really are. One thing is for certain, you can only get our Firecore50 through us. We are the sole sellers of our type of core. We even manufacture wires for several private labels out there. There is a big difference between most of the wire types out there. Take Taylor for example. Ours and MSD's core is three times as thick as Taylors. Its a good wire, but Dyno guys who have run comparisons have seen the difference. Ultra 40's are the closest comparison to the quality and performance that our 8.5mm Firecore50 wire delivers, and there are distinct EGT difference's there, ours being higher.. It's also very important for a consistant spark with the terminals and type of crimps used. Most manufacturers out there use a fold and crimp method. It's not near as safe to the core as the dual crimp that MSD and we use. Also, the material used determines how long the terminal is good for.. Brass and steel terminals conduct great, but their constant on and off of the plugs cause them to loosen up on their "snap" fit. Stainless steel and a tensioned stainless steel lock are by far the surest way to maintain the snap, as used by us.

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