if I could run solid wires I would. but Mallory says not to with their hyfire box so I wont. I would run them with a chrome box though without hesitation.

As for resistance, just remember this, before the plug fires, there is an OPEN circuit. Infinite resistance. Once the arc has sparked, and the wire starts conducting, the resistance goes down.

theres a lot of complicated math and engineering behind a spark plug firing but to make it stupidly simple, lets assume its as simple as ohms law.

if you do, you can see the difference in spark voltage between a 50 ohm wire and a 500 ohm wire is negligable at a given current. E=ir so figure a 1 amp current (not sure what it is in the real world but 1 amp is close enough for this calculation). lets use a firing voltage of 20,000v (just picked it out of my butt)

with a 40ohm wire, that would give you the voltage at the plug as 1amp=(20,000-x)/40 so x=19,960v

using a 400ohm wire, you get 19,600v firing at the plug. not much of a difference in the real world.

With that said, im sure I made a mistake somewhere and someone more experienced than me will correct me.

I will say that am running the firecores and like them alot