Working automotive service can be brutal. Some of the customers you deal with are having a pretty crappy day by the time they get to you. I enjoyed helping most people, but some can be obnoxious.

One situation at Montgomery Ward (23 years ago), a customer was browbeating one of the service writers. It was going on for a while. At the time I was working on the floor as a mechanic six bays away, and I had finally had enough. I walked up to the front and stopped her. I let her know that (1) the situations was mostly her own doing, and (2) the poor young lady that was trying to help her was doing as much as she was allowed to do and being punished for the effort. She is trying to help you, be gracious and let her... she froze... the service desk was packed with other customers and employees but it was real quiet all of a sudden. Sometimes I think people get on a tear and don't realize how they are acting. I then turned, walked away, and went back to the car I was working on. Of course there are some people who think that kind of behavior is acceptable, I think this lady had simply lost it and needed a good shaking.

That night I was closing. When I was punching out the young service writer gave me a kiss on the cheek and said thank you. The customer was better behaved towards her after my reprimand and even apologized to her later when she was closing out her ticket and picking up her car.

I actually was at your place of employment Saturday right around closing time on the sales floor, you were probably already gone. Maybe not, did not occur to me to check I just assumed you were off. Next time I am in the area I will check. My brother was looking at a $140k toy. The inventory here on the high end is probably a bit more stocked than the store where he is from. He could probably afford it, but I think he just likes to look. He has been talking about buying something like that for a while but never does. I think he is waiting for FCA to start allowing orders again on Hellcat Challengers. He wants an automatic and a particular color and missed out on the last run.


Michael 1968 Barracuda Notchback Coupe 440 EFI 6-pack, T56 Magnum 6-spd