I understand and can appreciate the "spirit" thing. However almost everyone wants to be a "top contender", that is the point. Regarding "wings", leaving anything on the table should never be a goal. Mounting height of rear wings is a huge factor in wing efficiency on our typical sedan/brick shaped decades old cars. Can't really figure out if adding a wing to a car that did not have one OEm is even allowed, and that reflects back to rule #42. They also have copied the Moparts rule book, where they state their decisions are final, can be made at any time, and the reasoning is "confidential". I am thinking this entire event is to sell aftermarket parts by their sponsors for the new cars on the market, and having old iron crash the party and spoil the on track video fitted with items no vendor offers, is not going to make for repeat vendor participation. I just don't like being considered cannon fodder, if that's the case.

" All sorts of things can happen when you are open to new Ideas" Inventor of Kevlar