No trust me Wilwoods have a tendency to hang up and frequent cleaning and rebuilding is what you have to commit to. At least that has been my experience with the four sets I have been involved with. The ones on the Barracuda were just redone again by me. The reason is pretty simple on the rolling resistance. Aerospace brakes have piston retractors Wilwoods dont.

I am hoping that my Wilwoods stay this way for awhile. My car was to the point it took two people to even push the thing in a straight line. This winter I hope to loose the Wilwoods and get new front struts, have not decided on brakes yet but will either be Aerospace or maybe Lamb.

Not trying to bash anyone here just stating what I have seen. As for the looks thing it is like anything else in life and opinion. I personally think Lambs look best.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"