Originally Posted By JohnRR
Originally Posted By BigAg
Ok that makes a lot of sense. I think I'll buy the electric and hook the positive up the ballast and then the negative to the engine block or carb for ground.

This is the first I have worked with a carb before and surprised and how much time I am spending with it. I am not familiar with the carburetor solenoid. A quick google isn't turning up much on it. Maybe it also goes by a different name? Is this more of a option or a must have for the car to run correct.

I suggest you find a keyed 12v source and NOT use the ballast circuit , the voltage on the coil side of the ballast is less than 12v and the choke wants a 12v source. Many people connect it to the coil because they are too lazy to find a proper source.

I suggest you find out where the factory tapped into for the ballast, choke assist and field voltage. Same exact circuit, hence the suggestion and the pointer to make sure he hooked up to the 12V side of the ballast.

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