Originally Posted By Dad's '74 D100
From the ebay ad....This carb is old stock from an auto parts warehouse. You or a carburetor repair specialist LIKELY WILL need to clean and refurbish it a bit...AGAIN, it was re-manufactured over 25 years ago and has been sitting in storage ever since..."common sense"...it may need to be re-conditioned. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY and THERE IS NO RETURNS... Locate a local shop to do the rebuild so that you have some recourse. There are only 2 reasons for the flooding..1) dirt stuck in or damaged needle and seat...2)a float that has become heavy and sank to the bottom. That's it. As a former ASE master tech & shop owner for 30+ yrs (now retired sort of), I hate to see people spend monies needlessly.

The OP stated that fuel is coming out of all the gaskets....that is not an indication of a stuck float, needle/seat .... It sounds to me like it's beyond repair and for the cheap this one is listed for...I for sure would take a shot....have had good luck in the past...just MHO smile