Originally Posted By BassMan
Originally Posted By MR_P_BODY
Originally Posted By BassMan
I put StaBil in the gas when they sit for over the winter. I don't think old gas would start fine, run fine and then stall on deceleration.

Gas will go flat... it looses the RVP out of it(the
high ends of the fuel) even with Stabil... under load
the the fuel wont burn properly... the RVP(Reed Vapor
Pressure) wont make the high ends which makes the vapor
which you actually burn... remember you dont burn the
liquid... the vapor makes the BOOM
Under load you need a good fuel and a good ignition

I really do appreciate the input but the car isn't stalling under load, it's stalling when I slow down. The only time I have ever had a problem with an engine that I really feel was due to old gas was with my outboard motor. My boat had some 3-4 year old gas in the right side fuel tank and it would start and idle fine but did not have enough power to get up on plane. When I switched to the left tank which had fresh gas the problem went away. Before I switched tanks, I checked the plugs and they all looked good except 1 was slightly fouled. Afterwards, I was talking to a marine mechanic and he told me exactly which plug was fouled and he said that was a sure sign of old gas in that motor, it is a 200 hp Mercury EFI.

So have you checked the ignition... or a plugged air bleed