Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
EVERYTHING is more expensive these days...........don't see why some think racing, or going to the races should be any different

I agree, racing is racing and never was or will be cheap and I'm glad.

I am a dick, had many people say to me I would love to come by your shop and see your race car. Or they would be in my office asking for a tour off my race shop and car. I rarely give tours.

I told them all except for sponsors to come to the race track to see the car if they want.

I'm thinking to myself sometimes... I'm not wasting my time giving out free tours to tire kickers. Some of them did come to the track and I gave them the deluxe tour of my car and trailer if they came.

My race shop is private like my bedroom at home is to me.

If racing was cheap, then it wouldn't be racing. My cars are entertainment tools/money makers and I treat it as such.