Originally Posted By lewtot184
drag racing started as a grass roots sport. nhra wanted to professionalize it and this is what we got. nascar did the same thing but added the "personality idol" to the equation. a lot of people just don't identify with it; especially grass roots racers. i don't go, won't go, and could care less about either. i feel the same way about professional sports. i would rather put the hundreds of dollars in spectator fees into my car than the organizations pockets.

I am glad NHRA is or was around. I am glad I got to witness it during it's heyday. I am even more thankful to be able to participate.

My friends father was a sports writer for the local news paper 25 years ago. He always got free tickets to the NHRA nationals in our area, Columbus and Indy and we went for many years straight.
It gave me the drive to put my own team together 20 years later. And I got to race with and pit right along side of some of my heros in top fuel since we ran top alcohol dragster at the US nationals like 6 years in a row. I quialified and raced at the US nationals on TV! It was really cool and thank NHRA for that.

Winton drag racing, when it was real.

I'm in the blue shirt.

We won!!
It was a hell of a ride and would not trade it for anything in the world! How many can say they pitted next to John Force 20 years ago? I can!!